Castle View Bands Booster
Wednesday, January 8, 2020 6:00PM
Call to Order 6:06
Attendees: Audra, Rebeca, Robert, Scott, Cheryl, Kathleen, Dave and Farrah
Minutes from previous meeting – Overview of money review
Balance after the student fees
Treasurer Reports
Current 1866.16
Savings 25
Income came from merchandise, candy and swag made 1158.00 in income, 35 in dues
Writing off dues (500-600) we did have a % who paid than last year
Mark sent messages out about dues, but we do not have the parent info.
Try maybe one more collection before sending out
Ideas to not see it happen again
For next year, send home with the kids by mini band camp
Break down on the funds of what the money goes to
Push more emails
More on the website
Old Business
Insurance: Updates? Kathleen; if we take off the property will cost us about $355. A year was $470 with. (property would be like a shed or truck) (Pamela with AIM, Mark says we do not need to cover property and we do not have enough)
Kathleen will send a text out and we can vote. (Financially we have the funds)
All approve 355, and motion approved not to exceed 400
New Business
8th Grade Family Night at the HS – Thursday, January 16th
Should CVBB have a table? Cheryl, Dave Rebeca say yes, chance to brand (starts at 5:15, set up needs to be done by 5:00)
Who do we need to contact to see if we need to have a table? Cheryl and Audra will be there
What times would we need to be there? 5:00
Selling apparel- what we have left
Selling Athletic Cards – about 150 cards left
Gala Updates – Date May 2nd –Tickets live soon?
How does it work?
$35 first start (do push before spring break
March 14st to $45
$50 at the door
Message sent out via Charms to parents? Mark mentioned he would send out an email link like we did for the mattress, we are doing e-tickets live by Monday 01/13/20 if possible
Scott will let Dads of Castle Rock know
Posters: Gina needs confirmation of the date and time, Audra sent to Kathleen to approve
8X10 to hand out
Who oversees hanging the printing? Kathleen will reach out to crew who signed up for the GALA
20 of the big 11 x14
100 of the small 8X10
25 4x6 post cards
Personal cards to invite Chamber, Mayor, school board members (could do 30 to be safe)
Flyers for the 8th grade event (Audra will frame one for show)
Amy B – has been voluntold to be a marketing head (Kathleen working with Amy)
Pictures, David’s idea to sell – could put on the website to sell links for the picture
Desert Dash
16 deserts based off last year’s attendance
Be sure we get a couple of gluten free
Who oversees DD?
DJ – Cheryl will work with Tommy Cummins, from her church and will tell him about what
Cheryl will get a matt for it.
From the Members
Need a sponsorship plan – and what they are classified as
Need a process established by next meeting
On-going and Reminders:
CVBB Website – work in progress 😊
Bands App
King Soopers card linked to the band
Next CVBB Meeting: Wednesday, February 5, 2020 at 6pm
Adjourn: 7:07