Wednesday, December, 4, 2024
Jen Dobosz, President, called the meeting to order at 5:01 PM. Mark Cellar, Director, Leigh Wright, Vice President, Gloria Kim, Secretary, and Valeri Boswell, Treasurer, were present.
Previous meeting notes were approved by Jen Dobosz and seconded by Mark Cellar The agenda was presented and accepted.
1. Band Volunteersa. Cookies after concert - Leigh
Jen to send list of parent names to Leigh to reach out to cookies sign up
b. Band Banquet set up and clean up
The kids wants the same food items as last year, Jake to send out the Signup Genius for setup/cleanup and food items
c. Feeder info table?
We will have a table at the Feeder Festival where people can learn about/purchase tickets for the gala
2. Treasurer’s Report - Valeri Boswell
Balance end of November: $11,292.27Balance as of today: $13,409.46 (colorguard payments increased the amount in account)
We still have three outstanding checks: (1) peaches (2) school to apply to student accounts (3) MTX shoes
$3,902.48 remaining after checks clearUpcoming Bills: WIX Domain for our website and Insurance ($350-400 per year)
a. CO Gives email - Joan drafts
$350.00 CO Gives monthly payments (received for Nov)
Jen to send Mark email to send out to alumni & non alumni to let them know that there is 100% matching for new recurring gifts
b. Winter percussion and Guard payments
Guard payments: only one person remaining
Winter Percussion: Max has put together a payment plan this year. There is one parent who is asking for financial aid. We have reached out and informed them that the boosters will need to review and advise at the end of the school year
A guard budget was included as part of Holly’s contract. She is currently under budget.
3. Galaa. Ticket price same as last year, sales starting at concert
$50 early bird / $60 regular price
We will start with food options on tickets as (1) meat (2) vegetarian (3) GF. Once this is set Val will be ready with the ticket sales form.
b. Silent Auction/announcement email to parents next week
Silent Auction/Sponsorships - Sarah, Gloria & Joan Leigh - head of committee & decorationsVal: Ticket salesJen: Caterer & tables
Leigh would like a checkered floor (maybe some temporary stickers)
We would like to see if we can crowd source round tables to reduce a big ticket item for the gala budget. Could look into churches or other schools in the district.
Leigh will order and donate to the band new chair sashes that do not need to be tied this year
Would open doors at 5:30 PM for the silent auction tables so that people have more time to mingle before dinner service (this would open the doors 30 minutes prior)
We may switch locations of the silent auction tables to ensure people to walk past and look at the items
We want to have the kids serve desserts to keep them occupied and to prevent long lines at the dessert tables like we had last year.
We will need to reach out to see if we can get the blank curtains for the brick wall again this year
4. Others
Pizza Night for 8th graders:
We would like to do this again. It must be on Jan 10 @ 5:30 PM based on calendar availability, if we want to do before a pep band night prior to the game so they can play with the pep band
We will host in the band room again. This worked well last year
5. Next Meeting - Wednesday January 8
Jen Dobosz, President, called the meeting to end at 5:37 PM.