Wednesday, January, 8, 2025
Jen Dobosz, President, called the meeting to order at 5:00 PM. Mark Cellar, Director, Leigh
Wright, Vice President, and Gloria Kim, Secretary were present.
Previous meeting notes were approved by Jen Dobosz and seconded by Mark Cellar
The agenda was presented and accepted.
1. Treasurer’s Report - Jen provided on behalf of Valeri Boswell
Balance 12/31 $9,951.51
Balance 01/8 $9,231.65
After checks clear $3,312.65
Peaches are still outstanding. CV & uniforms have cleared
Currently 2 gala tickets sold
a. Winter Percussion /Guard Payments
Mark to talk to Max. WP only 2 students have paid
b. Kendra Scott Results ($844)
About $100 more than last year earned
2. Spirit Nights
a. Tonight Jan 8 at Freddy’s (Winter Percussion)
b. 1/29 Red Robin
c. 2/10 - CFA
d. 3/1 Chipotle (Winter Percussion)
e. 3/29 Applebee's Flapjack fundraiser (well timed for serving experience) -
$15/ticket (we need to pay a min of $500 to Applebee’s + additional for each
person over 100)
All checks need to come through the boosters
Jen to talk to Max/Jayme about handling of spirit nights
Boosters will let Jayme schedule spirit night for April, we will focus on gala prep
1Any money for guard should go towards the new tarp we need
3. 8th Grad Info Night Friday, Jan 10
a. 14 RSVPs from CRMS (has the band invited AVA?)
b. Jay, Ryan, Lyndsey, McKenna, Garrett, Susan from CV
c. Parents - Hallie, Leigh, Jen, Sarah, Val
d. Pizza/Cookies/Cupcakes - drinks?
Leigh will bring dessert. Will do lemonade and water
e. Leigh or Sarah do you have plates/cups/napkins?
Sarah as all paper items, she will bring on Friday
4. Gala
a. Tickets - Social Media Announcement - Leigh will send some out
b. Next committee meeting - tomorrow 1/9 @ 4:30 PM
Still looking into a cheaper alternative for tables (Event Rents 2024- $16/table + $200 for
delivery + $200 for pickup) We also rent plates & glasses
Leight found better pricing up in Lone Tree. $13/table + delivery costs. Tables fit 10
We don’t know yet if winter guard will be performing, but would like them and WP to perform
We need to change the dates on the yellow banners - Leigh will take home and get new
Leigh to look at old easels to see if we can use them. Maybe see if they will fit in the shed.
5. Other Items - Pep Band Snacks?
Leigh to bring in leftover marching band snacks. Then she will send out memo on band app if
people want to bring in more snacks once those are all gone
DISNEY - market hasn’t started planning yet for next year
If we do Orlando, then pricing should be similar to last year. If we pick another option, pricing
may be cheaper Should have the beginning of ideas after CMA. Once options are available, will
discuss to see what people are interested in
Boosters will not handle any payments for the trip. Families will be responsible for making timely
and full payments directly to the company
6. Next Meeting - Wednesday February 5
Jen Dobosz, President, called the meeting to end at 5:50 PM.