Castle View Band Booster Club Meeting
Wednesday, October 5, 2022
Jen Dobosz, president, called the meeting to order at 6:04 pm. Mark Cellar, director, and Valeri Boswell, treasurer, Meagan Feger, vice president, Amy Bodfield, co-treasurer, Kristin Teuscher, secretary were present. Members/Parents Janet and Mike Ulrich & Joan were present. The agenda was presented and accepted.
Meeting minutes
Motion was made and accepted to approve September 2022 minutes.
Treasurer’s Report
The Town of CR Grant was mentioned and Val is working on it.
As of Sept 30, 2022 the budget is $17,452.60
? ( I can’t read my writing) $10, 749. 17
Amy made a motion to accepted & approve the report.
Spirt nights – Oct 17th Smash Burger, Nov 8th Dickies, Dec 6th Applebee’s
We discussed doing a pancake fundraiser one Saturday in March at Applebee’s Kristin will look into it. (good practice waiting tables for Gala)
Additional fundraising continues through Amazon wish list, Amazon Smile, and King Soopers loyalty card.
Marching Band preparations
Meals & Snacks – Ulrich’s update/ menu
Pizza for Dinner @ DCMI will be cover by the Boosters. * If needed
Night rehearsal Hot Chocolate was discussed. We have all supplies just need to pick a date.
Amy sending out a email for Pit Crew help needed.
Concession sign up will go out soon
Gala – Night at the Movies, Saturday, April 29, 5p-9p in CVHS cafeteria.
Food- Ulrichs
Décor- Amy Bodfield
Auction – Joan Calling movie theaters for old movie posters to auction off and local businesses
The next club meeting will be November 2 at 6:00pm in the CV Band Room
Meeting adjourned at 6:42 pm.